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Webinar Replays

Here you can find all our Replays of Online Webinars that were held recently.

Tech Partner Round-Up including Component Design, Open Source, and OTA

Presenter(s): Jim McKeeth

One of the best things about Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio is the incredible ecosystem of Technology Partners. Join this CodeRage Mini Series to see the latest and greatest from all the amazing Embarcadero Technology Partners. It also covers Component Design, IDE Add-ins, the Open Tools API, and amazing open source and free tools available from the community.

Online Webinar held on:

Dez 5 ,2019

Tech Partner Round-Up including Component Design, Open Source, and OTA

News in RAD Studio 10.3.3 - Germany

Presenter(s): Matthias Eissing

In this presentation you will see news from RAD Studio 10.3.3

  • New IDE
  • New compilers
  • New language features
  • Extensions and improvement
  • FMXLinux
  • RAD server
  • e muito mais...

This webinar will be held in German language and gives an overview of the possibilities of RAD Studio 10.3.3

Online Webinar um 10:00 Uhr CET held on:

Nov 28 ,2019

News in RAD Studio 10.3.3 - Germany

What's New in Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio 10.3.3?

Join the Embarcadero Product Management Team to learn about what's new in Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio 10.3.3!

During this session, we will cover the features that are new in 10.3.3!

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 27 ,2019

What's New in Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio 10.3.3?

News in InterBase 2020 - Germany

Presenter(s): Matthias Eissing

In this online webinar you will see news from InterBase 2020.

Os principais recursos novos incluem:

  • Database Tablespaces
  • Novas plataformas de SO para versões incorporadas
    • Android de 64 bits
    • macOS de 64 bits
  • Monitoramento de desempenho aprimorado
  • DDL do dicionário de dados
  • Otimizações de SQL
  • Aprimoramento de segurança
  • Enhanced IBConsole for Windows

This webinar will be held in German language.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 26 ,2019

News in InterBase 2020 - Germany

VCL Tips and Tricks on Windows 10

Presenter(s): Marco Cantu

VCL is the best UI framework for Windows 10. Join this CodeRage Mini Series to see all the best VCL tips and tricks when targeting Windows 10.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 21 ,2019

VCL Tips and Tricks on Windows 10

FireMonkey Multi-Device Design

Presenter(s): Sarina DuPont

Make your FireMonkey applications look amazing on every platform in this CodeRage Mini Series. The proper design makes your apps easier to use, reducing support requirements, and delighting your users. This CodeRage Mini Series is full of tips and tricks for proper design on all the FireMonkey platforms.

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 14 ,2019

FireMonkey Multi-Device Design

All about Linux and Advanced FMX

Presenter(s): Jim McKeeth

Learn more about targeting Linux, and see some advanced skills using everyone's favorite cross-platform framework FireMonkey!

Online Webinar held on:

Nov 7 ,2019

All about Linux and Advanced FMX

Using IBM Watson and the power of AI from Delphi and C++Builder

Presenter(s): Al Mannarino

Leverage the power of machine learning from Delphi and C++Builder with the Jeopardy winning Artificial Intelligence IBM Watson. This webinar covers using the IBM Watson REST API, a collaborative environment with AI tools that you can use to collect and prepare training data, and to design, train, and deploy machine learning models. Covering visual recognition, natural language classification, and Watson Machine Learning.

Online Webinar held on:

Out 24 ,2019

Using IBM Watson and the power of AI from Delphi and C++Builder