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Embarcadero CodeRage 2018

4-6 December 2018
We invite all of our worldwide developer community to the virtual conference of the year

What is CodeRage?

4-6 December 2018

Location: Online Event

Daily start time: 8 AM CST (GMT-06)


Guest Speakers

Bjarne Stroustrup (designer and original implementor of C++, Managing Director in the technology division of Morgan Stanley in New York City and a Visiting Professor in Computer Science at Columbia University) will participate in a C++ conversation with David Intersimone "David I" (Embarcadero MVP). Bjarne recently attended the ISO C++ committee meeting in San Diego where committee members continued work on the next International Standard (IS), C++20. During this CodeRage conversation we'll cover some of the most recent language proposals as well as other important C++ features that will be included in the future. Specific C++ areas David I will ask about will include the future of generic programming (Concepts), how to better organize C++ code (Modules), and how to ensure stability in the language while also allowing the language to evolve. If you have questions you'd like David I to consider asking, please send an email to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..


Here are some of this year's sessions:

  • C++ Conversations with Bjarne Stroustrup and David I.
  • Machine Learning using Neural Networks with Craig Chapman, Embarcadero Technologies
  • From Zero to App in 45 Minutes with Olaf Monien
  • Building a Web App with REST backend with Wagner Landgraf
  • Leveraging Class Inheritance with Cary Jensen
  • Barcodes, RFID and FMX Android App with Fenando Rizzato
  • InterBase Change Views with Bob Calco
  • Automated UI Testing for Delphi with Michael Schweighofer
  • Robots using Arduino and Delphi with Brian Mitov
  • Application Prototyping with Sarina DuPont and Cindy Zablockis

Mises à jour des produits

Join Embarcadero’s GM and Product team to learn about the newest updates and product roadmap


Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018 - Day 1 [All times in CST (UTC-6)]
Time Session Title Location Add to Calendar Session Description
8:00 AM
Welcome to CodeRage & Idera Developer Tools Family Overview
with Atanas Popov & Jim McKeeth
Room 1

All | Track: Keynote | Tags: Best Practices, Platforms and Technology

Get an overview of CodeRage 2018 and an update on Idera Developer Tools

9:00 AM
RAD Studio 10.3 Rio Product Address
with Embarcadero PM Team
Room 1

All | Track: Keynote | Tags: Delphi, C++, RAD Server, InterBase

Join the Embarcadero Product Management team for a keynote about RAD Studio, Delphi, & C++Builder.

10:00 AM
Integrating with Barcode and RFID Readers
with Fernando Rizzato
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Platforms and Technology

This session will show some samples about how to connect from a FMX Android app to devices for Barcode and RFID data capture.

Introduction to Aqua Data Studio
with Lisa Waugh
Room 2

All | Track: Databases | Tags: Databases, Best Practices, Platforms and Technology

Aqua Data Studio is the universal database IDE for Database Developers, DBAs, and Analysts. It allows you to develop, access, manage, and visually analyze data. Whether you are working with relational, NoSQL, or cloud databases, your data is easily and quickly accessible with Aqua Data Studio.

11:00 AM
Automated UI testing of Delphi applications with Ranorex Studio
with Christian Breitwieser
Room 1

All | Track: Ranorex / Testing | Tags: Delphi, Windows

Do you spend lots of time and resources on manual testing? Do major bugs keep flying under your radar? With automated UI tests, you can free up resources and increase the depth and scope of your tests. And combined with your unit tests, they ensure high-quality regression testing. Join us in this session to find out how easy it is to create and run an automated UI test for your Delphi application.

Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers
with Craig Chapman
Room 2

Introduction | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Learning to Program

Machine learning using Neural Networks is often taught as an advanced mathematics topic or as picture representations. In this session, I'll introduce neural networks as simple vector & matrix math operations, and show you how to build a simple neural network of your own. I'll then show you how I've expanded on that same basic knowledge to build a more advanced neural network solution.

12:00 AM - Break
1:00 PM
Live Reports in FastReport - How To Interact with the User From the Report
with Denis Zubov
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Windows

The session will discover how to build reports which can interact with user input.
We will concentrate on:

  • Data selection before print report (report dialog);
  • Interaction with report objects(object events);
  • Detail reports;
  • Interactive GIS and Chart reports;
  • Updating object in prepared objects before printing.

A C++ Language Conversation with Bjarne Stroustrup Hosted by David Intersimone "David I"
with Bjarne Stroustrup with David "David I" Intersimone
Room 2

All | Track: C++ | Tags: C++, Best Practices

Bjarne Stroustrup (designer and original implementor of C++, Managing Director in the technology division of Morgan Stanley in New York City and a Visiting Professor in Computer Science at Columbia University) will participate in a C++ conversation with David Intersimone "David I" (Embarcadero MVP). Bjarne recently attended the ISO C++ committee meeting in San Diego where committee members continued work on the next International Standard (IS), C++20. During this CodeRage conversation we'll cover some of the most recent language proposals as well as other important C++ features that will be included in the future. Specific C++ areas David I will ask about will include the future of generic programming (Concepts), how to better organize C++ code (Modules), and how to ensure stability in the language while also allowing the language to evolve. If you have questions you'd like David I to consider asking, please send an email to david dot intersimone at gmail dot com

2:00 PM
Controlling Visuino Programmed Arduino Robots from Delphi App
with Boian Mitov
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Learning to Program

Will show how to control Visuino programmed Arduino Robots from Delphi Apps over USB Serial, WiFi, or Bluetooth.

Connecting to MySQL Database Using MyDAC Components
with Yılmaz Yörü
Room 2

Introduction | Track: C++ | Tags: Delphi, C++, Other Database, Mobile (iOS & Android), Windows, Learning to Program, 3rd Party Components

In this session, simple MySQL database creation will be explained and connection will be done by using of MyDAC components. All will be explained by an C++ Builder example. MyDAC is a good component to connect MySQL database for all platforms.

3:00 PM
Building Microservices and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with Delphi
with Danny Wind
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, The Cloud & REST APIs

Do you need to create a simple internet data-driven Progressive Web App, Android App and Desktop App? In this session we'll build a lightweight REST microservice and a Progressive Web App (PWA), as well as an Android App and a Desktop Application. The software is created with the Delphi Community Edition with TMS Web Core components. With the techniques in this session you'll be able to leverage these new technologies in your own projects. Just re-use the source code and you're ready to go.

How to Create Advanced 3D Museum Software with a Database
with Yılmaz Yörü
Room 2

Intermediate | Track: C++ | Tags: C++, Other Database, Best Practices, Windows

In this session we would like to share how we develop 3D museum software by using RAD Studio's C++Builder with FireMonkey UI and MySQL database. Some coding techniques and advanced database tricks will be given.

4:00 PM
From Zero to App in 45 Minutes
with Olaf Monien
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, The Cloud & REST APIs, Mobile (iOS & Android)

In this session I will show how to create a REST-driven iOS app, that pulls recipes from an external API, filters them, stores them locally, and displays them in a FireMonkey UI. At the end, we will upload the App to Apple's Testflight system and provide a public link for beta testers.

The App is already downloadable from the AppStore

Developing Simple Games Software Running Over Desktop
with Yılmaz Yörü
Room 2

Introduction | Track: C++ | Tags: C++, Best Practices, Mobile (iOS & Android), Windows

In this section some very simple stressball game software will be developed in RAD Studio's C++Builder with FireMonkey. Desktop will be used as a background. It will be a good example for beginners to develop their games on Windows, Andorid, iOS, & macOS.

5:00 PM
Artificial Intelligence for the Masses
with Janez Makovsek
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Other Database

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic these days. We will have a look at a simple to use component set, which allows nearly anybody to have a quick entry into this field. All the steps required to produce a solution will be presented, starting with data organization, preparation, learning, classification and interpretation of results. The presentation will be focused around Data Miner product (www.dewresearch.com), which is one of the few that can handle, real and discrete fields together with missing values in the same database being fed to the classifier engine, which again allows arbitrary class count on the output. This greatly simplifies and broadens the possible applications. Supported on all Delphi platforms.

6:00 PM - End of the day
Wednesday, Dec 5, 2018 - Day 2 [All times in CST (UTC-6)]
Time Session Title Location Add to Calendar Session Description
8:00 AM
The Delphi Parser 2.0 - Code Analysis & Modernization Tools
with Oren Aviram
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Best Practices

The Delphi Parser 2.0 – is the Newest Version of the Famous Automatic Migration Tool, that can take a legacy Delphi Code & Quickly Migrate it to the newest Embarcadero's Delphi version. The Delphi Parser 2.0 is a Full Blown Independent Parser & Linker for Legacy Delphi & Modern Code. The New Delphi Parser Analyzer 2.0 is the Newest Most Valuable Tool For Developers - not only for Migration uses, but for all Development Life Cycle in every Delphi based IT department. It can quickly Analyze huge Delphi code base with multiple projects & hundreds of applications, sharing thousands unit files & libraries with millions of lines of code. The Analyzer provides a deep insight to your code, simplifying the code, deconstructing the dependencies between the units & objects, and provides a clear report of all the code objects, references & usage.

Introduction to Exception Tracers and Exception Driven Development
with Aleksandr Alekseev
Room 2

Introduction | Track: Best Practices | Tags: Best Practices, Windows

Debugging a single program run by a single user on a single computer is a well understood problem. When a user reproduces and reports an error, the programmer attaches a debugger to the running process and examines program state to deduce where algorithms or state deviated from desired behavior.

Debugging in the wild is harder. If you're waiting around for users to tell you about problems with your application, then you're seeing only a tiny fraction of all the problems that are actually occurring. Most users won't bother telling you about problems. They'll just quietly stop using your application.

9:00 AM
Persisting FireDAC DataSets: To There and Back
with Cary Jensen
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, C++

FireDAC DataSets support persistence: The ability to save its data, and then use that saved data to restore the DataSet to its original state at some arbitrary time in the future. This presentation by FireDAC expert Cary Jensen takes an in-depth look at saving and restoring the data from your FireDAC DataSets.

Delphi examples, but applicable to C++ Builder

Monitoring JavaScript Errors In Your Sencha Web Apps
with Mats Bryntse
Room 2

Intermediate | Track: Sencha / Web / JavaScript | Tags: Sencha / Web / JavaScript, Best Practices

Dealing with unexpected errors on the server side is something we have all done for a long time. Now it’s time to apply the same error monitoring to our JavaScript codebase. This is especially important for Ext JS applications where the frontend usually contains 100k+ lines of code. I’ll demonstrate how to implement error monitoring in your web app and also show some tricks that we are using ourselves at Bryntum to be able to reproduce errors easily without having to ask the user for a step-by-step description.

10:00 AM
Inherent Beauty: The Art of Inheritance
with Cary Jensen
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Best Practices

From base classes to interposer classes, inheritance provides you with a maximum of code reusability and maintainability. This presentation demonstrates a variety of powerful techniques that leverage inheritance.

Threads in a Practical Point of View
with Dion Carlos Mai
Room 2

All | Track: C++ | Tags: C++, Delphi, Best Practices

Threads have been here for a long time, so let's use them. We'll see the more used techniques to use threads, the more common problems during their implementation, and the most used APIs to implement advanced multithreading applications.

11:00 AM
Getting Started with FastReport
with Cary Jensen
Room 1

All | Track: Platforms and Technology | Tags: Delphi

FastReport is a component-based reporting tool that is included with Delphi. In this fast-paced presentation Cary Jensen describes how to install FastReport, and how to begin creating first-class reports today.

Easily Coding a Multi-Device Game with FireMonkey
with Patrick Prémartin
Room 2

Introduction | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Learning to Program

With FireMonkey it's easy to create a simple multiplatform game with no coding experience!

Let me show you how to quickly and easily build a "tap game."

12:00 PM - Break
1:00 PM
Getting Started with the Enterprise Connections
with Geoffrey Osborne
Room 1

All | Track: Enterprise Connectors | Tags: Delphi, C++, Enterprise Connectors, The Cloud & REST APIs, Windows

This session is focused on how to use the enterprise connectors and the various features available within the connectors that you can utilize to customize queries and data for your needs.

Creating and Using 3D Objects in C++ Builder
with Yılmaz Yörü
Room 2

Introduction | Track: C++ | Tags: Delphi, C++, Best Practices, Mobile (iOS & Android), Windows, Learning to Program

In this session ViewPort, Mesh Collection Editor, and creating special 3D Mesh parts in C++ Builder will be explained by an example.

2:00 PM
Asynchronous Apps with CocinAsync
with Jason D Southwell
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Best Practices, Mobile (iOS & Android), Linux, Windows

Recent advancements in CPU technology have made high core CPUs more accessible. Even the cheapest PCs often come with four or more processing units. In this session learn how the open source CocinAsync library can help you take full advantage of these modern CPUs.

What's new in RAD Server in 10.3
with Marco Cantu
Room 2

Intermediate | Track: Platforms and Technology | Tags: RAD Server, Platforms and Technology, The Cloud & REST APIs

RAD Studio 10.3 has a significantly new version of RAD Server, with changes in the mapping of URLs to resources and ready to use components for implementing web services with little to no code.

3:00 PM
IntraWeb 17 - IWML, REST, ExtJS, JQueryUI, BootStrap and more
with Chad Hower
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, C++, Sencha / Web / JavaScript, RAD Server, Platforms and Technology

IntraWeb 17 is a new, built-from-the-ground-up web framework which uses IWML as its UI markup language, allowing easy integration of existing web frameworks. IWML can be used with our without Delphi, but we will focus on Delphi as our flagship back end.

Secure Data with InterBase
with Mary Kelly
Room 2

Introduction | Track: InterBase | Tags: InterBase, Best Practices

Keeping data secure is very important for both you and your users. Learn how to take advantage of InterBase encryption features to protect your data.

4:00 PM
Knowing the RTL can Save You LOTS of Coding
with Alister Christie
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi

The Delphi Run Time Library gets enhanced with all sorts of goodness for each Delphi release, but often these improvements hide behind much flashier features. We will take a look at some old and new RTL features that can save you time and make your code easier to understand.

Enhancing FireDAC's Power and Capabilities by Adding and Customizing Script Commands
with Miguel Moreno
Room 2

Intermediate | Track: FireDAC | Tags: FireDAC / Database access, Delphi, C++, Enterprise Connectors, InterBase, Other Database, Platforms and Technology

FireDAC is the main data access engine included in Delphi and C++Builder, and one of its main features is its built-in scripting capability, which can be executed against any of the supported database engines. However, there are cases where you need additional custom scripting capabilities or you simply want to modify the way some of the built-in script commands work. Here we show how to add new custom script commands, modify the behaviour of the built-in ones, and even disable them at will.

5:00 PM
Creative Delphi Debugging Techniques
with Brian Long
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Best Practices

Debugging represents a big part of development, possibly one of the biggest for many. We all know about breakpoints, single-stepping and watches, but what else can we do to help work through bug scenarios and resolve problems, such as those that have happened at customer sites?
This session looks at a number of techniques, tricks, and utilities to help make the chore of debugging a bit more productive.
Warning: this session may contain the CPU window!

DevOps for Everyone
with Robert Warmack
Room 2

All | Track: Best Practices | Tags: Best Practices, Platforms and Technology, Management & Teams

An overview and introduction to DevOps. Chances are you are already familiar with some of the parts of DevOps, but some of the terminology and tooling may be new to you. Join Robert Warmack for this session to learn how DevOps brings the best of development and operations together to make you more productive.

6:00 PM - End of the day
Thursday, Dec 6, 2018 - Day 3 [All times in CST (UTC-6)]
Time Session Title Location Add to Calendar Session Description
8:00 AM
Full Stack Web App with Delphi, TMS Web Core and TMS XData
with Wagner Landgraf
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Sencha / Web / JavaScript, Platforms and Technology, The Cloud & REST APIs

In this session we're going to show how to build a Web application in a few minutes, from the backend REST server based on an existing database, to the web client app in HTML/JS, all using Delphi and TMS Web Core and TMS XData frameworks.

An Introduction to Sencha Ext JS
with Ron Bailey
Room 2

All | Track: Sencha / Web / JavaScript | Tags: Sencha / Web / JavaScript, Platforms and Technology, The Cloud & REST APIs

With Ext JS, create data-intensive HTML5 applications using JavaScript. Sencha Ext JS provides everything a developer needs to build data-intensive, cross-platform web applications. Ext JS leverages HTML5 features on modern browsers

9:00 AM
Mobile View Management
with Ray Konopka
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Best Practices | Tags: Best Practices, Delphi, Platforms and Technology, Mobile (iOS & Android), Windows

One of the biggest challenges facing developers of mobile applications in Delphi is how best to manage multiple views. The TTabControl provides the basic mechanics of switching between views, and a common approach is to simply define each view on a page of the tab control. However, it is impractical to put all controls for all views onto one form. Another approach is to use frames for each view, but frames do not display mobile styles, and more importantly, it is very easy for inline instances of frames to become out of sync with source frames. Furthermore, neither of these approaches offer any support for view navigation. In this session, a new approach is presented that simplifies view management, facilitates view navigation, and isolates view definitions.

Data Modeling for Developers
with Anil Mahadev
Room 2

Introduction | Track: Databases | Tags: Other Databases, Best Practices

This session will cover the need for Data Modeling for Software Developers showcasing IDERA's ER/Studio Data Architect

10:00 AM
Customizing Controls with FMX Styles
with Ray Konopka
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Best Practices | Tags: Best Practices, Platforms and Technology, Delphi, C++, Mobile (iOS & Android), Windows

Styles have always been an integral part of FMX. And while their role has evolved as mobile development has matured, styles are still a core facet of FMX that provides tremendous power and flexibility. This session demonstrated how to leverage styles to customize individual controls as well as the entire user interface. Along the way, we will learn how to effectively use the Style Designer, when to use multiple Style Books, and tips to make your custom styles look their best.

Jamming with a Quantum Computer: A Musical Journey into Quantum Computing
with James Weaver
Room 2

All | Track: Quantum Computing | Tags: Learning to Program

Musical improvisation is the creative activity of composing music "in the moment" while performing it, often in a jam session with other musicians. Although composing and performing music is a creative process, the underlying musical style informs the probabilities of note and rhythmic choices that the musician makes. For example, when improvising in the style of twelve-bar blues, the notes played with the highest frequency of occurrence are typically the five that comprise the corresponding minor pentatonic scale.

This idea of musical style being a complex system of probabilities fits perfectly with the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, which is a phenomenon leveraged by quantum computing. To implement this idea, James Weaver created an open source application named Quantum Music Composer that makes use of a quantum computer to improvise music in a very simplified version of 17th century counterpoint.

In this session, James will give an introduction to quantum computing, cover a bit of music theory, and demonstrate how a quantum computer can compose music and participate in a musical jam session. He will then discuss the development and implementation of the Quantum Music Composer application on IBM quantum computers.

11:00 AM
FixInsight: Squashing Bugs with Static Code Analysis
with Roman Yankovsky
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, Best Practices

Roman Yankovsky will show you how to use FixInsight's static code analysis in Delphi to find bugs in your code before your customers do.

Exploring Gnostice Document Studio
with Girish Patil
Room 2

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi, C++

Every application has its needs for tools and components that help the developer implement the required features of the application. Implementing document related features in an application too requires specialised components. In This session we explore some of the tools that Gnostice Document Studio provides to implement specific document related functionality for your customers. Document Viewing tools; Data-Aware Interactive forms; Tools to implement PDF based manufacturing diagrams and BOMs are some of the examples we will see. We will see sample applications developed in FMX.

12:00 PM - Break
1:00 PM
The Delphi Language Evolution
with Marco Cantu
Room 1

All | Track: Delphi | Tags: Delphi

The evolution of the Delphi language in 10.3: details of inline variables, type inference, and more, including other advanced language features.

Great C++ Features You Can Use in 10.3
with David Millington
Room 2

Intermediate | Track: C++ | Tags: Windows, Learning to Program

C++14 and C++17 have added some very useful new features to C++. Let's have a quick look at several key ones you may find useful for your codebase.

2:00 PM
Replay: What's new in RAD Server in 10.3
with Marco Cantu
Room 1

Intermediate | Track: Platforms and Technology | Tags: RAD Server, Platforms and Technology, The Cloud & REST APIs

RAD Studio 10.3 has a significantly new version of RAD Server, with changes in the mapping of URLs to resources and ready to use components for implementing web services with little to no code.

Introduction to Assembla: Secure Source Code Management
with Amanda Pinchbeck
Room 2

Introduction | Track: Best Practices | Tags: Best Practices, Platforms and Technology, Management & Teams

Assembla is the most secure software development platform in the world. We will go over a basic product demo including both our hosting capabilities for Subversion, Git, and Perforce repositories as well as the included Project Management Suite.
Learn more about Assembla's offerings here

3:00 PM
Working with the Latest Android Platform Features
with Jim McKeeth
Room 1

Advanced | Track: Mobile (iOS & Android) | Tags: Delphi, C++, Platforms and Technology, Mobile (iOS & Android)

The Android platform continues to evolve. With the Android API updates in 10.3 Rio a lot of things changed, and many more platform features are open to developers. In this session learn about the latest and greatest Android features and how to take advantage of them with your favorite developer tools!

Assumes prerequisite experience with Android development using FireMonkey. Examples in Delphi, but should also work with C++Builder.

Introduction to Visual Assist for Microsoft Visual Studio
with Chris Gardner and Sean Echevarria
Room 2

All | Track: C++ | Tags: C++, Best Practices

Learn about Visual Assist, an extension for Microsoft Visual Studio that improves productivity of C++ developers.

4:00 PM
Read-Only Scale-Out with InterBase
with Sriram Balasubramanian
Room 1

All | Track: InterBase | Tags: InterBase, Other Databases, Best Practices

Covers InterBase backup options, Architecting your applications for ReadWrite and Readonly operations, and Scaleout with Multi-instancing or across system boundaries

Application Prototyping with Popular UX Tools & RAD Studio 10.3
with Sarina DuPont and Cindy Zablockis
Room 2

Introduction | Track: Mobile (iOS & Android) | Tags: Delphi, C++, Best Practices, Platforms and Technology, Mobile (iOS & Android)

This CodeRage session focuses on utilizing a number of popular UX tools for wire framing and prototyping, and implementing the final UI in RAD Studio. It's hosted by Sarina DuPont, Head of Product Management for Developer Tools at Embarcadero Technologies, and Cindy Zablockis, Lead UX Designer for Idera Software.

5:00 PM
Adding Rich Text Editing to Your Web Apps with Froala
with Sandeep Adwankar
Room 1

All | Track: Sencha / Web / JavaScript | Tags: Sencha / Web / JavaScript, Best Practices

Froala provides a drop-in WYSIWYG rich text editor with a simple but powerful user interface for developing and editing web content easier and faster. With Froala you can add improved text editing capabilities to your web applications. In this session, you will learn capabilities of Froala, and how to integrate Froala with Sencha Ext JS applications.

Introduction to Ext JS 6 Software Testing
with Thorsten Suckow-Homberg
Room 2

Intermediate | Track: Sencha / Web / JavaScript | Tags: Sencha / Web / JavaScript, Best Practices

There is still a sort of morally ambivalence existing among developers when it comes to writing software and tests: Testing is still not done by a lot of developers, specially those that agree it is an important aspect of the development process. This session introduces you to Software Tests when writing ExtJS 6 applications and wants to give a you brief overview over the large field Software Testing has become over the past years. If you have never tested your ExtJS6 UI components, you should attend this session.

6:00 PM - End of the day

Rewatch CodeRage XII Sessions

Review some of last yers sessions, avable on demand anytime: