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June 25: Data Modeling and Architecture

TimeSpeakerSpeaker BioTopicAbstract
8:00-8:45am PDT Anil Mahadev Anil Mahadev is a Solutions Architect and Database Professional at Embarcadero Technologies. He participates as an active community member in leading Database User Groups and Conferences world-wide. Data Modeling Source Control Demystified This topic will give users an overview and challenges faced by organizations wanting to implement a secure Data Modeling Strategy by protecting their data modeling assets in a secure form. We shall explore on how this can be achieved.
9:00-9:45am PDT Torquil Harkness Torquil Harkness has spent the last 15 years serving customers in various support and management roles and understands how important the customer viewpoint is. For the last year he has been a documentation writer for Embarcadero Technologies, specializing in the ER/Studio family, enjoying the opportunity to create documentation with a customer focus. How to connect your applications to your data An Application Programming Interface (API) brings your own applications closer to your critical business data, allowing you to access and control your business glossaries, terms and model data quickly and easily. Using an API can connect your models with your business applications, so that you can align system data with business-critical data.
10:00-10:45am PDT Stanley Chan Stanley Chan is a Software Consultant and has been supporting database tools at Embarcadero for almost 10 years. He is responsible for communicating and demonstrating the value of Embarcadero tools to current and prospective customers. Maintaining consistent data across multiple systems Data types that are not consistent across multiple systems where data movement occurs could result in loss of data or inconsistent data. Learn how to make sure that objects across multiple systems are consistent and that data from one system will fit into another.
11:00-11:45am PDT Jason Hahn Jason Hahn is the lead developer for ER/Studio Data Architect and the ER/Studio Repository. He has been developing data modeling software at Embarcadero Technologies for 14 years. Automating Data Modeling Tasks Finding ways to automate common tasks can make your data modeling more productive. By investing a little bit of time initially, you can save time later over trying to make changes manually. In addition, your models will be more consistent and it can be easier to make large scale changes. In this session I will provide some examples where automating tasks can provide real benefit and show you from start to finish how to implement them.
12:00-12:45pm PDT Francis McWilliams Francis McWilliams, Senior Solutions Architect and Manager of Partner Services, joined Embarcadero in 2012. Francis has been in the IT Industry for more 30 years. He is an architecture expert, and is responsible for supporting the sales division by communicating and demonstrating the value of the Embarcadero tools suite with particular focus on design and management solutions. Data Governance Trends The volume of data continues to increase and is coming from more data sources. With more data comes increased opportunity, but also increased risk of data miscomprehension and non-compliance with mandatory regulations. Every organization today has to determine how to better manage their data as a critical and strategic corporate asset. Join this session to hear about widely-reported data trends that may impact your organization and ways to improve the management of data in your enterprise.
1:00-1:45pm PDT Ron Huizenga Ron Huizenga has recently joined Embarcadero as the Product Manager for ER/Studio. Ron has over 30 years of experience as an IT executive and consultant in Enterprise Data Architecture, Governance, Business Process Reengineering and Improvement, Program/Project Management, Software Development and Business Management. His experience spans multiple industries including manufacturing, supply chain, pipelines, natural resources, retail, health care, insurance, and transportation. Taming the Wild West of Data Prior to joining Embarcadero, Ron was a consultant who used ER/Studio as well as a variety of other data modeling suites throughout his career. Referencing the Astron Technologies case study, he will discuss some of the data management challenges faced in large enterprise environments. Join the session to hear Ron's perspective not only as an end-user of ER/Studio, but also as a Product Manager focused on continuous improvement of the tools to meet industry needs.
2:00-2:45pm PDT Joy Ruff Joy Ruff is the product marketing manager for ER/Studio, Embarcadero's flagship data modeling and architecture platform. With over 20 years of experience in high-tech, Joy applies herself to communicating product value to customers. The Intrinsic Value of Data Modeling Maybe you're using Visio, Excel, or a proprietary tool with limited functionality to create a data model. Perhaps you are expanding your job scope to include data modeling and aren't sure where to start. Or you might be very experienced with data modeling, but need a tool that gives you more capabilities to simplify your tasks. Learn more about the value of data modeling.
3:00-3:45pm PDT Henry Olson Henry Olson manages the Team Server product line at Embarcadero Technologies. He is a proven innovator with deep expertise across the enterprise solutions lifecycle and more than 20 years of leadership experience in products, technology and services across both startups and large companies. His consulting industry experience includes BI, DW and operational systems design and deployment in manufacturing, distribution, financial services and healthcare. Getting Physical High-fidelity database schemas capture essential business rules and help ensure data quality, but can be very time-consuming to produce and maintain. Enterprise-grade data modeling tools excel in automating the construction and maintenance of robust database designs from logical models. Learn how to leverage tooling and automation to build and manage consistent, high-quality database schemas from your logical models.
4:00-4:45pm PDT Rob Loranger Rob is a Sr. Software Consultant and Associate Product Manager for Embarcadero. Although he currently focuses his time mainly on the ER/Studio family of products, for more than 7 years, Rob has been one of Embarcadero's leading experts for its database development, management, and architecture tools. Documenting your data landscape for the organization When it comes to making informed decisions, data is the most critical asset an organization possesses. In this session, you'll see how to create documentation of organizational data, which is easily understood and readily available to anyone within the organization.

June 26: Database Management and Administration

TimeSpeakerSpeaker BioTopicAbstract
8:00-8:45am PDT Sultan Shiffa Dr. Sultan Shiffa is a senior software consultant for Enterprise Data Management at Embarcadero technologies and works as an expert for complex and diverse data management solutions. He assists Embarcadero's largest customers in the development of methodologies for integrating Embarcadero database products into their existing processes. Before joining Embarcadero he worked for more than a decade as an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) DBA and database consultant. Case Study: Solving Common Oracle DBA Tasks at a leading German Bank A leading German bank uses DBArtisan to manage hundreds of databases in their organization. This case study will show how many common DBA tasks are solved using DBArtisan at large enterprises and how DBAs perform these tasks to keep the database operational, such as configuring the database, managing memory and storage, managing security, managing database objects, and more.
9:00-9:45am PDT Mohammad Ahmed, Mark Barringer Mark Barringer is an expert evangelist on the Embarcadero Enterprise Data Management tools product line. With over 8 years of experience at Embarcadero Technologies in a variety of technical, sales and consultancy roles, Mark is considered a leading authority on Data Architecture and is responsible for the company's Database tools business in EMEA. His key interests are helping organizations to fully understand and maximize their use of corporate data assets.

Mohammad Ahmed is an expert consultant on the Embarcadero Enterprise Data Management tools product line. With over 10 years of experience at Embarcadero Technologies in a variety of technical, pre-sales and consultancy roles Mohammad is recognized as 'the' trusted advisor and go-to person for his clients and colleagues.
Achieving Database Schema Compliance at a UK Finance Institute The requirement to maintain and prove schema compliance within the organization's database inventory continues to expand. The key objective is to discover and report on schema anomalies in the production database landscape. The use of DB Change Manager enables comprehensive schema checks to run baseline schema snapshots against the production databases to easily highlight discrepancies and enables the DBA team to act rapidly to resolve any critical issues.
10:00-10:45am PDT Walter Couto Walter Couto is a Software Development Manager at Embarcadero Technologies for the Embarcadero DB Power Studio family of products and has been with the company for over 12 years. He has over 18 years of development experience with a wide range of technologies. Bind Variables and Application Performance Not many people are familiar with Bind Variables or how they can be used. Find out how bind variables can be used effectively to make your SQL perform more efficiently and why they can achieve this performance.
11:00-11:45am PDT Matthew Vegh Matthew Vegh is a Software Architect at Embarcadero Technologies for the Embarcadero DB Power Studio family of products and has been with the company for the better part of a decade. He has over 15 years of development experience with a wide range of technologies and a definite preference for database tooling. Solving Performance Problems on Oracle DB DBAs and database developers regularly spend a lot of time tracking down and resolving performance issues on the database servers they are responsible for; it can be very difficult, frustrating, and expensive. Given the complex interactions of applications, users and databases, new performance issues can arise almost as fast as old ones can be addressed. This session will simulate common performance problems on an Oracle server and then both identify those problems and provide effective solutions.
12:00-12:45pm PDT Scott Walz Scott Walz has more than 15 years of experience in the area of database development and administration and currently serves as Manager of Software Consultants. Prior to joining Embarcadero 8 years ago, Scott served as a development lead for Louisville Gas & Electric. Managing Database Security and Compliance When managing database security and compliance, the DBA can't take a chance on anything falling through the cracks. In this session, you'll learn how to set up a change control process for your databases that will provide the coverage needed to ensure your environment is staying in compliance.
1:00-1:45pm PDT Wes Kranz Wes Kranz currently serves as the Sr. Director of Database Products at Embarcadero. He has a passion for making life easier with technology and has held numerous senior leadership roles at software & technology consulting companies. With experience as code slinger (developer), data doctor (database administrator) and model mechanic (data modeler), Wes provides leadership for database product management and marketing teams. The Top Productivity Solution for DBAs – Hint: It's in a Can Why has Monster Energy drink become standard operating equipment for DBAs? Join us for a hard-hitting look at the state-of-the-union for DBAs, what to expect in the future and caffeine-free ideas for short-term success.
2:00-2:45pm PDT Oz Basarir Oz Basarir is the product manager of Embarcadero's database management and development tools. Having worked over the last two decades with databases at a spectrum of companies as small as his own to as large as Oracle and SAP, he has an appreciation for diversity of the data ecosystems as well as for the tried-and-true languages (SQL). Resurrection of SQL with Big Data and Hadoop Did you really think that SQL was going away? Attend this session to learn how SQL is a vital part of the next generation of data environments. Find out how you can use your existing SQL tools in the big data ecosystem.

All times are listed as Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). To determine your local equivalent, you might try using timeanddate.com. PDT is 7 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

* Agenda is subject to change without notice.