RAD Studio 12.2 Now Available! En savoir plus…

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RAD Studio 12.2 Launch Offer: Get it at 20% OFF Today Acheter

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"Dev Days of Summer" 2024! REGARDEZ LA REDIFFUSION

Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions Released! En savoir plus…

InterBase 2020 Update 6, released! En savoir plus…

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Rabais importants disponibles sur InterBase 2020 pour les OEM ou les VAR – Contactez le service commercial

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SYNTAX Information Technology Inc

Reseller Partner

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World Region: EMEA

Description: The mission of SYNTAX is to import, develop and deploy Information Technology, and provide Management Consulting and Project Implementation Services to organizations and enterprises in the private and public sectors. SYNTAX business philosophy is to help customers on capitalizing their existing assets in I.T. infrastructure, business knowledge and human skills, by leveraging them with state-of-the-art Information Technologies, Modern Methodologies and Best Practices. SYNTAX provides solutions that assure ROI.

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Servicing Countries: Grèce

Site Web: http://www.syntax.gr

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Ville: Athens

Pays: Greece