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Программа MVP

Most Valuable Professionals - Best of the Best


Embarcadero's MVP (Most Valuable Professional) program chooses the "best of the best" Embarcadero community members to be trusted assets for our customers and prospects. An MVP is passionate about Embarcadero products and the success of everyone who uses them. An MVP evangelizes (cheers for, promotes, teaches about, etc.) Embarcadero products by writing and speaking on the elegance, simplicity and productivity of our products at user groups, conferences, and webinars, and in websites, articles, newsgroups, blogs and social networks.


Once selected, MVPs will be listed in the MVP Directory and receive the following during their tenure:

  • Access to shipping Embarcadero products
  • Early access to Embarcadero product betas
  • Confidential product and technology briefings
  • Marketing materials, internal demos, and sales toolkits
Embarcadero MVPs