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Free On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: Creating Mobile Web Apps and Native Apps with RAD Studio XE2

Did you know that in a world with around 7 billion people, there are nearly 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions? (CNET, 2012).

Creating mobile applications to grow your customer base has never been more important than it is today.

Join us for this free webinar to learn how you can create mobile web apps and native apps for iOS, Android and more with RAD Studio XE2.

Free On-Demand Webinar


In this webinar evangelists Andreano Lanusse, Al Mannarino and Anders Ohlsson will show how easily you can create native Delphi apps for iOS, mobile web apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry, and DataSnap native clients for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry with RAD Studio XE2.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Develop native FireMonkey iOS applications with Delphi
  • Enable Windows Phone, Android, iOS and BlackBerry apps to connect and interact with DataSnap Servers
  • Build Web applications and optimize the UI for mobile devices

Get RAD Studio XE2

image004RAD Studio XE2 Trial

Embarcadero® RAD Studio XE2 is the ultimate application development suite and the fastest way to build data-rich, visually engaging applications for Windows, Mac, mobile, .NET, PHP and the Web. RAD Studio includes Delphi®, C++Builder® and RadPHP™, enabling developers to deliver applications up to 5x faster across multiple desktop, mobile, Web, and database platforms including Delphi applications for 64-bit Windows. Get RAD Studio XE2 and begin creating your mobile apps today!

Learn more >

Read an Article or Whitepaper

DataSnap connectivity for iOS using Delphi XE2 and FireMonkey

This article by Anders Ohlsson discusses how you can connect to existing DataSnap servers from an iOS application using RAD Studio XE2.

Learn more >

Developing for Multiple Mobile Platforms Using Web Technologies in RadPHP XE2

Mobile application development presents a huge business opportunity for developers and businesses. Learn how you can create mobile web apps directly from RadPHP, use jQuery components to create touch-friendly interfaces and PhoneGap to deploy your application to Android, iOS and BlackBerry

Learn more >

About Our Expert Speakers

Al Mannarino, Evangelist

Al Mannarino is the Lead Systems Engineer and Evangelist for Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. Before joining Embarcadero, his he was a Lead Systems Engineer with Borland helping to sell Developer Tools. Al has over 25 years of software development experience including OOAD and the responsibility for developing and deploying production applications. Prior to Borland, Al was an SE for Objectivity, Versant, Red Brick Systems, Information Builders, and an Electrical Engineer with Grumman Aerospace where he performed real appilcation implementations on complex electrical-mechanical systems.

Anders Ohlsson, Evangelist
Anders Ohlsson is part of Embarcadero's Developer Relations Team. He brings over 20 years of software development and customer relations experience to Embarcadero. When he's not in the office, he can be found in an aisle seat on an airplane, at some developer conference, trade show, user group or seminar evangelizing to the world why everyone should use the Embarcadero sutie of developer and database tools.

ndreano Lanusse, Evangelist
As the Technical Lead Evangelist for Embarcadero, Andreano Lanusse spends a great deal of his time with developers, software architects and DBAs, both onsite and at conferences to ensure the company's tools meet the customers' expectations. Prior to Embarcadero, Andreano worked at Borland for thirteen years in numerous roles including engineer, product manager, product line sales manager and principle consultant where he managed and implemented critical applications. Andreano holds an MBA in project management from FGV, postgraduate in Leadership and Management from UC Berkeley, certifications in Borland ALM and Microsoft products and he is a Certified Scrum Master.

Watch a Video

Creating mobile web apps and native apps using RAD Studio XE2

RadPHP XE2 Demo

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an iPhone application using RadPHP XE2 and PhoneGap.

FireMonkey iOS Demo

Watch this video to learn how to use FireMonkey for iOS in Embarcadero's Delphi XE2 in order to get access to the GPS for location data and the Compass for heading data.

Delphi DataSnap Server and Android Apps Demo

Learn how you can create Delphi DataSnap REST server methods that return DBXReader and other data types, how to generate java proxy classes and build Android apps that can interact and execute server methods through the proxy classes.