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Government Solutions

Make better use of more data in less time
Capitol Building

Make better use of more data in less time, with Embarcadero's Data Management and Application Development Platform.

Government agencies, everywhere, are facing the challenge of making faster, more effective use of rapidly growing volumes of data, which comes from a variety of sources, and is constantly being updated. When making high value, high impact decisions that affect the country's population, accuracy, reliability, and effective comprehension of supporting data is critical.

Public services; law enforcement; the military – just a few examples of governmental organizations with massive dependency on the right data, at the right time, and with the right context. Delivering data is just one component of a mission-critical data management platform. Understanding where that data came from, and how it has been used/manipulated, are essential steps for mandatory compliance.




Embarcadero Technologies works with several government agencies to provide:

  • Better regulatory compliance and data security controls;
  • Optimized database performance and availability;
  • Support for multi-device application development and data delivery;
  • Improved productivity and resource utilization;
  • Greater collaboration and resource sharing.
  • The largest and most stringent government and federal agencies have selected Embarcadero Technologies to deliver database solutions to support a variety of local, state, and national initiatives.

To learn more about how Embarcadero works with government agencies, Контакт.