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Featured Webinar

Presented by Marco Cantù:
Building Rich Business Applications with FireMonkey

On-Demand Webinar


Join Embarcadero and Delphi expert Marco Cantù for an informative web seminar where you’ll learn how to create visually stunning, database connected business applications using FireMonkey.

FireMonkey is the next-generation CPU/GPU powered application platform for businesses,enabling developers to rapidly build visually engaging HD and 3D applications with blazing native performance on Windows, Mac, and iOS.

This presentation focuses on the FireMonkey application platform and how developers can use FireMonkey in Delphi to create visually stunning business applications for multiple platforms with access to databases.

Topics covered in this webinar will include:

  • The various technologies in FireMonkey and how to leverage them to build data rich, visually stunning business applications
  • Multi-Platform application development for Windows, Mac and iOS
  • Using styles, animation and effects in HD and 3D business applications
  • Connecting your FireMonkey application to local and remote databases
  • Differences between FireMonkey and VCL

Expert White Paper

FireMonkey, The Next Generation Business Application Platform

Download the whitepaper and code samples

Learn how to build visually stunning business applications with connectivity to databases and services using FireMonkey in Delphi.

About the Author
Marco Cantù Marco Cantù is the author of the best-selling Mastering Delphi and Delphi Handbooks series (up to the "Delphi XE Handbook" and the "Handbooks Collection, 2007 to XE"). Marco is currently working on a FireMonkey book. Book information at www.marcocantu.com.

Marco gives onsite Delphi training classes worldwide and is available for local or remote consulting and mentoring. He organizes the yearly Delphi Developer Days event with Cary Jensen.

You can read Marco's blog at blog.marcocantu.com, follow him on twitter.com/marcocantu or contact him on Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

Get FireMonkey in RAD Studio 

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The ultimate application development suite for Windows, Mac, mobile and Web

Embarcadero® RAD Studio is the ultimate application development suite and the fastest way to build data-rich, visually engaging applications for Windows, Mac, mobile, .NET, PHP and the Web. RAD Studio includes Delphi®, C++Builder® and Prism and HTML5 Builder, enabling developers to deliver applications up to 5x faster across multiple desktop, mobile, Web, and database platforms including Delphi applications for 64-bit Windows. Weitere Infos >


Building Rich Business Applications with FireMonkey

Part I – Demos Overview

Learn about the sample applications built for this whitepaper and see them in action. This video also serves as an outline of what you can do in FireMonkey and what is covered in the whitepaper.

Part II – Cross-Platform Development

Learn how to create FireMonkey applications for Windows, Mac OSX and iOS. See what's involved in the process, including showing the Platform Assistant for Mac debugging and the use of Xcode for building the iOS application.

Part III – FireMonkey Styles

Learn about FireMonkey styles in this video. See what's behind the definition of a styled control (a button), how to customize the style of a given control, change the style of an entire application, and how to use styles to create list box items with sub-elements.