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RAD Studio 12.2 ist verfügbar!Weitere Infos

Ihre Anwendungen können mehr mit der Enterprise Edition. Vertrieb

Neuerungen in RAD Studio 12.2 Athens Zur Wiedergabe

Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions Released! Weitere Infos

InterBase 2020 Update 6 verfügbar! Weitere Infos

Entdecken Sie die brandneue Getit-Seite

Attraktive Rabatte auf InterBase 2020 für OEM oder VARs – Vertrieb

Verlängern Sie jetzt Ihre Update Subscription Lizenz! Weitere Infos


Most Valuable Professionals - Best of the Best
Bernd Ua

Bernd Ua

RAD Studio Delphi

Location: Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany

Bertie Buitendag

Bertie Buitendag

C++Builder Delphi

Location: Pretoria, South Africa

Bob Calco

Bob Calco

Delphi C++Builder InterBase RAD Server

Location: Florida, United States

Bob Swart

Bob Swart

Delphi RAD Studio

Location: Helmond, Netherlands

Boian Mitov

Boian Mitov

C++Builder Delphi

Location: California, United States

Brandon Long

Brandon Long


Location: Eastern Cape, South Africa

Brian Long

Brian Long

C++Builder Delphi

Location: Aylesbury, United Kingdom

Bruce McGee

Bruce McGee


Location: Ontario, Canada

Bruno Fierens

Bruno Fierens

InterBase C++Builder Delphi

Location: West Flanders, Belgium

Bruno Sonnino

Bruno Sonnino


Location: São Paulo, Canada

Carlos Alberto Reyes Garcia

Carlos Alberto Reyes Garcia


Location: San marcos/San Salvador, El Salvador

Carlos Henrique Agnes

Carlos Henrique Agnes


Embarcadero MVP

TMR Consulting and Development

Location: Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Cary Jensen

Cary Jensen

InterBase Delphi

Location: Houston, TX, United States

César Augusto Santiago Cardoso

César Augusto Santiago Cardoso

RAD Studio RAD Server Delphi FireMonkey DataSnap VCL


Location: Paraná, Brazil

Cesar Romero

Cesar Romero

Delphi InterBase FireMonkey

Location: Curitiba, Brazil

Chee-Wee Chua

Chee-Wee Chua


Location: Singapore

Christina Louise Warne

Christina Louise Warne


Location: Leicester, United Kingdom

Christoph Schneider

Christoph Schneider


Schneider Infosystems AG

Location: Zug, Switzerland

Conrad Vermeulen

Conrad Vermeulen

Delphi C++Builder

Sempare Limited

Location: Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Dalija Prasnikar

Dalija Prasnikar


Embarcadero MVP

Book Author

Location: Zagreb, Croatia