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Software Architect Features

Visually analyze and optimize software applications

General Features
Eclipse Platform Based on the universal Eclipse 3.4 platform
Query/View/Transform Standard language to transform UML, BPMN, data models and custom model types
Project Workspace and Packaged Elements Projects for pattern definition, profile definition and UML 2.0. Group elements and store diagrams in Logical and physical packages
Model Shortcuts and Hyperlinking Reuse elements in multiple model diagrams with shortcuts or Hyperlink from diagrams to browse other system artifacts
Import/Export Interoperability via import and export using XMI, MDL and MDX
Project Documentation External documentation in RTF, HTML, TXT, PDF and XSL-FO formats
Modeling Features
Support for UML Specification Supports UML 2.0 to visualize, specify, construct and document artifacts of distributed objects
UML in Color Model in color with support for roles, moment-interval, Mi-detail, party, place, thing and description
UML 2.0 Diagrams Support highly used UML 2.0 diagrams and notations including activity, use, component, composite, deployment, state machine and interaction diagrams
UML Profiles Pre-installed profiles available for projects such as stereotypes, palette contributions, extensions and contributions
EMF and UML Model Compare and Merge EMF and UML two/three-way comparisons in tree view. Export results to EMF XMI file. Integrate with version control systems to compare and merge shared models
Template Elements and Generics Show templates, template signatures, parameters and template bindings in a UML 2.0 diagram
OCL Support Object Constraint Language (OCL) 2.0 support for syntax highlighting, error validation, code completion and model queries
Design Patterns Stock patterns available supporting Gang of Four and custom design patterns
Model Audits & Metrics OCL-based model audits and metrics support model inspections that can be easily defined, saved and reused
Version Control Supports version control systems that can be integrated into Eclipse