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C++Builder Заказчики

Use best-in-class libraries and visual design to build Windows apps fast!

See how our customers are using to deliver results!



Leveraged assets built with C++Builder

Migration to a SQL database with the “FireDAC” database component

Improved productivity with C++Builder cross-platform development functions

Tools Used:
  • C++BuilderC++Builder
Read Full Case Study
ec2 Software Solutions

ec2 Software Solutions

  • ec2 Software Solutions established themselves as the leading supplier of software products that help medical providers navigate the vast and complex regulations governing the Nuclear Medicine industry.
  • RAD Studio enables ec2 to achieve extreme agility while following a waterfall requirement and development process.
  • ec2 is the only player able to offer cross-platform solutions—Windows, Mac and iOS—removing significant adoption barriers.
Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • C++BuilderC++Builder
Read Full Case Study
Bruner Consulting Associates Inc.

Bruner Consulting Associates Inc.

  • Faster time to market for new product development
  • Ability to expand to enterprise apps
  • Can support iOS, Android, and Windows
Tools Used:
  • RAD StudioRAD Studio
  • C++BuilderC++Builder
Read Full Case Study