RAD Studio 12.2 Now Available! Подробнее

Ready to take your apps to the next level? Upgrade to Enterprise today. свяжитесь с отделом продаж

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Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions Released! Подробнее

InterBase 2020 Update 6, released! Подробнее

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Invest in Your Own Success

Embarcadero’s Software Maintenance program gives you full access to Embarcadero’s exceptionally strong investments and commitment to your organization’s success. Embarcadero’s unusually strong customer-centric investments and efforts:

  • Embarcadero invests nearly 2x the industry average in R&D as a percentage of revenue
  • Since 2007, Embarcadero has doubled R&D headcount, resulting in more frequent technology updates and upgrades to provide your organization with faster access to the technology needed to increase productivity and support the latest platforms
  • Strengthened our QA, licensing, and support infrastructure with new systems to simplify access to higher-quality products and support
  • Achieved a 92% satisfaction rating on reported support incidents

Advantages of Maintenance

  • Continued 24/7 access to product updates and upgrades to keep technology investments up-to-date.
  • Uninterrupted access to technical support via phone and email
  • Uninterrupted access to on-line technical resources

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