Manage the virtual keyboard on iOS and Android - French
Presenter(s): Patrick Prémartin, Embarcadero MVP
Join Patrick Prémartin on the webinar "Managing the virtual keyboard on iOS and Android" on July 28. Find out what techniques can be implemented in a FireMonkey project to avoid being trapped depending on the type of application to develop.

Modernize Your Delphi Applications - Spanish
Presenter(s): Danysoft Team
The course includes the most important topics regarding its usefulness in modernizing the applications developed in Delphi, including improvements in the IDE , the programming language , the component libraries and the databases with FireDAC , as well as the Most relevant news in version 10.4.

Deutsche CodeRage 2020 - Online Konferenz 2020
Presenter(s): Matthias Eißing, Dr. Holger Flick, Frank Lauter, Olaf Monien, Uwe Raabe, Thomas Nitzschke, Bernd Ua und Daniel Wolf.
Embarcadero lädt Sie zur Teilnahme an einer neuen CodeRage Online-Entwicklerkonferenz ein. Die Konferenz bietet einen ganzen Tage kostenfreie Vorträge zu Entwicklungs- und allgemeine Programmierthemen mit Delphi und C++Builder. Erhalten Sie neue Ideen und Impulse für die Entwicklung Ihrer eigenen Projekte und profitieren Sie von den Tipps & Tricks der Experten.
InterBase 2020: Sincronização de Dados Simples, Rápida e Segura
Presenter(s): Fernando Rizzato
Veja como o Interbase 2020 pode elevar seus dados a um nível superior de segurança e performance, participe!Banco de dados SQL ultra rápido, escalável e incorporável, com criptografia de dados de nível corporativo, recuperação de desastres e sincronização de mudanças. Neste Webinar, assista a uma demonstração prática de todos esses recursos!

Delphi® ile Android ve iOS içerisinde local veritabanı geliştirme
Presenter(s): Ahmet Nuri Deniz , Embarcadero MVP
Türkçe Webinar serimize sizlerden gelen yoğun istek üzerine “Android ve iOS cihaz içerisinde local veritabanı geliştirme” konusu ile devam ediyoruz. Bu eğitimde mobil cihaz içerisinde yer alan sqlite veritabanına bilgi eklemeyi, silmeyi ve güncellemenin kolay ve hızlı şekilde nasıl yapılacağını göstermeyi amaçlıyoruz.

코로나19, 데이터와 RAD로 방역하다
Presenter(s): Humphery Kim, Embarcadero MVP
코로나 국면에서 대한민국은 발빠른 역학조사와 방역으로 세계적인 찬사를 받았습니다. 그 중심에는 '데이터'가 있습니다. 통신, 금융, 교통 정보 등 실시간 데이터들을 조합해 동선을 파악하고 병원정보, 선별 진료소, 공적 마스크 등의 정보를 Open API로 제공해 필요에 따라 가공해 활용했습니다. 이번 세미나는 데이터와 서비스를 연결하는 다양한 기술 방안을 알아보고 데모를 통해 실제 아키텍처를 구현해봅니다.

RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney Event - Polish
Presenter(s): Bogdan Polak
Version 10.4 introduces significant improvements in the area of creating VCL for Windows 10, creating solutions optimized for operation on various devices and C ++ programming for Windows. We invite you to participate in the online seminar dedicated to the news available in RAD Studio 10.4 with Bogdan Polak.

RAD Studio 10.4 - Fireside Chat
Presenter(s): Marco Cantu, David Millington & Stephen Ball
Join Stephen Ball, Marco Cantu & David Millington as they Discuss RAD Studio 10.4, current market trends, and the new features within RAD Studio. In this informal, live session, learn more about the major upgrades to the RAD Studio IDE, new language enhancements, new VCL components, what is happening in the wide technological landscape and how RAD Studio is at the leading edge of some major market trends!