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RAD Studio 10 Seattle Product Tour

RAD Studio® 10 Seattle de Embarcadero® es la manera más rápida de crear y actualizar aplicaciones visuales atractivas, hiperconectadas y ricas en datos para Windows 10, Mac, Mobile, IoT y más, usando Object Pascal y C++. Actualiza de forma rápida y sencilla aplicaciones VCL y FMX para Windows 10 con los nuevos componentes de servicios para la plataforma universal de Windows, controles, estilos y VCL para Windows 10.

¡Como usuario activo, las nuevas características de productividad y el historial de portapapeles son una gran ventaja! ¡Nunca antes fue tan fácil y rápido hacer las cosas! ¡Estupendo trabajo, Embarcadero!

Anthony West, Software DeveloperThe Analytical Group, Inc

RAD Studio 10 Seattle Screenshots


Windows 10 Notifications


The TNotificationCenter component works with Windows 10 notifications for VCL and FMX apps.

Windows 10 Styles


Windows 10 VCL and FMX styles including common dialogs give apps the modern look and feel of Windows 10.

Brand New Windows 10 VCL Controls


New VCL UI controls for Windows 10 include RelativePanel, ToggleSwitch, and SearchBox.

FireDAC NoSQL Driver for MongoDB


MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL database can be used with FireDAC including API mapping, data manipulation, and new RTL support for JSON and BSON formats.

iOS 64-Bit Debugging


Build and debug iOS 64-bit and Universal apps on device.

Integrated Style Designer Enhancements


Improved integrated FireMonkey Style Designer and enhancement to the TStyleBook component to support a collection of styles for various platforms.

GetIt Library Expanded


Get new open source and component packages directly from the IDE including BeaconFence!

Standard C++11 for Win32


Bring your existing windows apps to C++11. Easily switch between the new 32-bit Windows C++11 compliant compiler and the classic bcc32 compiler in the same project for Windows apps.

Windows 10 Styles


Windows 10 VCL and FMX styles including common dialogs give apps the modern look and feel of Windows 10.

Common Dialogue Styling


Mejoras de estilos VCL, incluida la compatibilidad con los diálogos comunes de estilos y el componente TWebBrowser.

Enhanced Multi-Monitor Support


Create the perfect IDE layout for maximized developer efficiency.

iOS Control Enhancements


New platform presentation for iOS ScrollBox and enhancements to the ListView control.

Filterable Object Inspector


Boost developer productivity by quickly filtering down to the properties you need.

Integrated IDE Productivity


Over 20 IDE productivity features are now directly integrated with the IDE providing an increase in quality and stability.

FireMonkey for Windows 10 - Control Hints


Control hints, platform native rendering of TEdit and TMemo, ZOrder enhancements, MultiView updates for Windows 10, Switch controls, and clipboard support for images.

Build Android Services


Build Android service apps that can execute background tasks on the Android OS.

Ahora puedo ofrecer más valor a mis clientes al preparar mis aplicaciones para Windows 10 con RAD Studio 10 Seattle.

Fikret Hasovic, TEC d.o.o.Fikret Hasovic, TEC d.o.o.Sarajevo

Setup and Getting Started Videos

Preparing your Windows 32-bit and 64-bit Development Environment

Preparing Your iOS and OS X Development Environment

Preparing Your Android Development Environment


Object Pascal

IBLite and FireDAC on Android and iOS

IBLite and FireDAC on iOS and Android

Location Services on iOS and Android

Location Services on iOS and Android

Notifications on iOS and Android

Notifications on iOS and Android

Sharing Images and Text with ShareSheet on iOS and Android

Sharing Images and Text with ShareSheet on iOS and Android

Integrating the Web Browser on Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android

Integrating the Web Browser on Windows, OS X, iOS and Android

Lo nuevo de RAD Studio 10 Seattle

Lo nuevo de RAD Studio 10 Seattle

Twice the IDE Memory Capacity and New Productivity Features

Android Background Services Support

Clang Enhanced C++


New VCL Features

New FMX Features

See more RAD Studo videos in the RAD Studio 10 Seattle playlist on YouTube >

More Screenshots

Multi-Device Preview


The all new Multi-Device Preview provides a design time side-by-side view comparing your apps UI over different form factors on a given platform - all in one window!

AltBeacon and iBeacon Component


Component level support for beacons brings your app into the IoT fold with support of proximity awareness, contextual identification, and much more!

API Analytics


Custom API analytics and reporting in EMS informs the developer how deployed apps are consuming hosted RESTful APIs.

Getit Package Manager


With the all new GetIt Package Manager you can browse, download, and integrate new components, right from the IDE!

Code Productivity


New enhancements and features take writing code to the next level including: extra code refactoring, live syntax checking, metrics, structural code highlighting, parenthesis matching, flow control highlighting, and code analysis.

Native Platform Controls


Create high performance native apps.

MapView Component


Componente MapView para plataformas móviles (iOS y Android) compatibles con bibliotecas de asignaciones interactivas de plataformas específicas (respectivamente, de Apple y Google)

iOS 64-bit and Universal Apps


New FMX Premium Styles
