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On-Demand Webinar

RAD in Action: Develop a Complete Windows + Mobile + Web Service + Cloud Solution

David Intersimone "David I" - Embarcadero Technologies

During this RAD in Action on-demand webinar, we show you how to build a complete warehouse application for auction items that runs on Windows desktops and mobile devices using SQL databases, REST servers and cloud Storage.

Learn how to build a VCL application and mobile apps that work with a middle tier via a web service that uses Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) and FireDAC

The presentation and demonstration is full of useful tips, tricks and clear explanations. You will be able to use the mobile app to start bidding on the auction items. A monitoring desktop app shows the auction biddings and details.

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White Paper, Source Code, and Presentation Slides

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During this RAD in Action webinar you will learn how to:

  • Develop a Warehouse Application for auction items
  • Build a VCL server application as backend using the Enterprise Mobility Services (EMS) and REST
  • Create a mobile camera app so the users can add photos of the auction items via Bluetooth LE
  • Use the parallel programming library to make the app fast and responsive
  • And More

Who should watch?

  • Software developers building mobile and multi-device applications that work with remote SQL databases
  • Developers who want to leverage middle-tier and cloud-based architectures
  • Development managers leading multi-device cloud application development projects
Additional Resources