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InterBase Frequently Asked Questions

Base de datos SQL embebida, ultraveloz y escalable con seguridad de datos
de calidad comercial, recuperación ante desastres y sincronización de cambios

InterBase is a full-featured commercial grade relational database that developers can embed into their software applications on desktop, mobile devices, and servers.

Software developers choose InterBase because it is low cost, has high performance, requires no administration, is easy to install and deploy while being scalable and powerful, and provides embedded data security. InterBase Server also comes with powerful disaster recovery capabilities to enable data continuity even in the case of server failure.

InterBase Server, Desktop, and Developer editions run on Windows (32-bit and 64-bit). InterBase Server is also available for Linux (32-bit and 64-bit). InterBase ToGo and IBLite ToGo are available for Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS; IBLite is available for Android and iOS. InterBase also supports heterogeneous OS connectivity across all supported platforms.

InterBase supports all major development paradigms including Java, C, C++, .NET, Delphi, Object Pascal, PHP and Ruby. It integrates closely with Embarcadero application development tools such as C++Builder, RAD Studio and Delphi so that when you deploy your applications to any platform, InterBase will automatically deploy with it. If you're a Visual Studio developer you can work with InterBase via ADO.NET or ODBC connectors.

InterBase Desktop Edition is available on Windows and provides you with a great solution for stand-alone single user application.

InterBase ToGo Edition is available on Android, iOS, Windows and macOS, and also runs in a stand-alone environment, but allows deployment of applications which directly utilize the InterBase engine DLLs. With no separate database server process running, the database engine is executing in the application process space so it provides an extremely small footprint.

IBLite is a new, freely deployable, embeddable database for Android and iOS that runs in a stand-alone environment and allows deployment of apps which directly utilize the InterBase engine.

InterBase Server Edition allows hundreds of simultaneous users to connect to the database and it runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris and macOS. To learn more about each edition, please visit the Compare Product Editions page.

IBLite is a freely deployable, embeddable database for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS that runs in a stand-alone environment and allows deployment of apps, which directly utilize the InterBase engine. With no separate database server process running, the database engine executes in the application process space providing an extremely small footprint. IBLite is a choice embedded database solution for VARs, OEMs and ISVs. Upgrade from IBLite to InterBase ToGo for additional functionality including encryption, multi-core support and larger database file sizes. IBLite for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS is available in Delphi and C++Builder (Community and above) and RAD Studio (all editions).

Updates are available from the InterBase registered user download page at Registered Products Portal.

U.S. regulations monitor products that include 128-bit AES encryption. To ensure that we comply with U.S. regulations, we activate the Strong Encryption capability of InterBase for paid versions of InterBase.

Since 2009, InterBase releases with Strong Encryption can be sold to customers worldwide under the unrestricted status provisions of the "ENC" export license exemption. Under ENC rules, export licenses are not required. The export control classification number (ECCN) is 5D002 – ENC/Unrestricted.

If you create a project that makes use of the AES encryption features of InterBase, your country may have regulations that apply to the export of your product. In that event, the ability to enable Strong Encryption via our serial number key (in InterBase 2009 and XE) may simplify your compliance with your country's export regulations.

There is no additional charge for InterBase encryption capability.

Embarcadero offers online webinars that you can attend to learn more about InterBase and ask questions from InterBase experts. The videos on the InterBase Resources and InterBase Labs pages offer free on-demand training videos. You can find a list of upcoming webinars and live events on our events page.

You can join our forums on EDN or contact your local sales representative for more information.