Cloud Application Development
Integrate Cloud Services with the REST/JSON Client
Get more Developer Skill Sprints videos, source code and resources at Get a free RAD Studio 30 day license at to try it yourself.
July 1, 2014 - Integrate Cloud Services with the REST/JSON Client
Jim McKeeth - Embarcadero
Duration: 29 minutes and 29 seconds
Developer Skill Sprints
Fast programming tips, tricks and techniques that you can use right now
You're invited to join the software development experts at Embarcadero each Tuesday and Thursday for Programmer Skill Sprints -- 20-minute online live tutorials on software development for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
Replays of previous Developer Skill Sprints are available on the landing page at

RAD Studio

Integrate Cloud Services with the REST/JSON Client
RAD Studio Berlin Enterprise Webinar Part 6 - Cloud Based Development
Fire up your business and users with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin's “Enterprise Strong” Desktop, Mobile, Database, Server, Cloud and IoT Solutions
Part 6 - Cloud Based Development – Pawel Glowacki – 15 minutes and 33 seconds
Blog post with additional links and information:

RAD Studio

RAD Studio Berlin Enterprise Webinar Part 6 - Cloud Based Development
When Delphi reaches the Cloud! - Dion Mai - Delphicon 2023
Let's apply serverless! Hands-on application of serverless(FaaS) with Delphi and Azure. Witch side can Delphi be used? Can it be both? Let's build one function from scratch to deploy with Dion Mai.
Part of Delphicon 2023
Dion Mai
Development Manager
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at


When Delphi reaches the Cloud! - Dion Mai - Delphicon 2023
RAD in Action: Develop a Complete Windows + Mobile + Web Service + Cloud Solution
RAD in Action: Develop a Complete Windows + Mobile + Web Service + Cloud Solution
David Intersimone “David I” – Embarcadero Technologies
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
In this RAD in Action webinar replay, you will learn how to build a complete warehouse application for auction items that runs on Windows desktops and mobile devices using SQL databases, REST servers and cloud Storage. You will learn how to build a VCL application and mobile apps that work with a middle tier via a web service that uses DataSnap and FireDAC. The presentation and demonstration will be full of useful tips and tricks and clear explanations. Attendees will be able to use the mobile app to start bidding on the auction items. A monitoring desktop app will show the auction biddings and details.
You will learn how to:
1) Develop a Warehouse Application for auction items
2) Build a VCL server application as backend using DataSnap and REST
3) Create a mobile camera app so the users can add photos of the auction items via Bluetooth LE
4) Use the parallel programming library to make the app fast and responsive
5) and more
Who should watch this video?
a) Software developers building mobile and multi-device applications that work with remote SQL databases
b) Developers who want to leverage middle tier and cloud based architectures
c) Development Managers leading multi-device cloud application development projects
Additional Information Links:
Here are several links to information that will help you understand the technologies used in this RAD in Action webinar and source code projects.
Source code and slides available on Code Central (draft, will be updated after the webinar):
DataSnap Overview -
DataSnap REST -
InterBase DocWiki -
Using BluetoothLE -
Multi-Device Applications -
REST client library -
Amazon ec2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) -
Amazon s3 (simple Storage Service) -
Alternatives to Amazon s3 cloud storage - check out Sarina Dupont's BaaS tutorials -
If you have questions or need additional information, send an email to David Intersimone "David I" at [email protected]

RAD Studio

RAD in Action: Develop a Complete Windows + Mobile + Web Service + Cloud Solution
Delphi XE6 Cloud Service (BaaS) Integration
Add functionality and platform services to your applications by integrating with leading Backend as a Service providers like Parse and Kinvey. Learn more about Delphi and download a free trial at


Delphi XE6 Cloud Service (BaaS) Integration
RAD Studio XE Preview | DataSnap e Cloud criando aplicações do amanhã hoje
Neste preview apresentamos as novidades relacionados ao desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas utilizando DataSnap XE integrado a Microsoft Azure, você verá servidores DataSnap Delphi e C++Builder conectados a Windows Azure, além de DataSnap client em Delphi XE e PHP.


RAD Studio XE Preview | DataSnap e Cloud criando aplicações do amanhã hoje
Cross-platform Access to an Excel File in the Cloud with Bruno Fierens
Cross-platform Access to an Excel File in the Cloud with Bruno Fierens
August 26 - Cross-platform Access to an Excel File in the Cloud
Bruno Fierens, TMS Software, @BrunoFierens,
Duration: 25 minutes and 54 seconds
Developer Skill Sprints
Fast programming tips, tricks and techniques that you can use right now
You're invited to join the software development experts at Embarcadero each Tuesday and Thursday for Programmer Skill Sprints -- 20-minute online live tutorials on software development for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
Get more Developer Skill Sprints videos, source code and resources at Get a free RAD Studio 30 day license at to try it yourself.
Replays of previous Developer Skill Sprints are available on the landing page at

RAD Studio

Cross-platform Access to an Excel File in the Cloud with Bruno Fierens

Deploying InterBase in the Cloud
Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
Welcome to the "Embarcadero Technologies" YouTube channel. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android allows developers to send and receive different types of messages to and from applications installed on Android devices.
Android Push Notifications
Jeff Lefebvre
CodeRage 9 - Object Pascal Track
Thursday, October 30, 2014 - 11am Pacific Time
Do you want to send push notifications to your clients or employees? This session goes over setting up GCM, installing push notifications into your application, and calling GCM to push those messages to your app.
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) was a mobile notification service developed by Google that enables third-party application developers to send notification data or information from developer-run servers to applications that target the Google Android Operating System, as well as applications or extensions developed.
To subscriber to our channel, click the link below -
Embarcadero tools are built for elite developers who build and maintain the world’s most critical applications. Our customers choose Embarcadero because we are the champion of developers, and we help them build more secure and scalable enterprise applications faster than any other tools on the market. In fact, ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide have relied on Embarcadero's award-winning products for over 30 years.
For more information about Embarcadero Technologies Inc, please call at +1 888.233.2224 to speak with one of our professionals today! or simply visit Our Website -
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Contact Us:


Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
Using Amazon and Azure Cloud Services in your Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 Applications
Learn how to use Amazon and Azure cloud services in your Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 applications. This video is part of the 31 Days of RAD Studio XE2 Video Tutorials - Day 14 Tutorial. See more at


Using Amazon and Azure Cloud Services in your Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2 Applications
RAD in Action: Building Connected Apps - Heart Rate Monitor and Cloud demo
Heart Rate Monitor and Cloud demo video snippet from the "RAD in Action: Building Connected Apps with Bluetooth and App Tethering" webinar replay.

RAD Studio

RAD in Action: Building Connected Apps - Heart Rate Monitor and Cloud demo
Why Does the Cloud Matter for a Delphi Developer - with Dion Carlos Mai
For more details on this session you can access the following link:
Join to see why the cloud is relevant in our current IT market. We will see the principal cloud technologies and how to apply them in your Delphi applications, independent of the cloud provider.
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at
0:00:00 - Mains session
0:35:18 - Q&A portion


Why Does the Cloud Matter for a Delphi Developer - with Dion Carlos Mai
RAD Studio XE Preview #3 | Multi-tier, Web and Cloud, RAD Studio XE is the only application development environment that gives you native connectivity to 9 major databases and ready-made components for cloud connectivity. RAD Studio XE future-proofs your development investment to develop today and meet your customers' deployment needs for tomorrow. This preview showcases the new and enhanced database, multi-tier, Web and cloud computing capabilities in RAD Studio XE.

RAD Studio

RAD Studio XE Preview #3 | Multi-tier, Web and Cloud
Turn Existing Delphi/C++Builder Desktop Programs into Cloud Application in Less than a Month
Applications built with Delphi and C++ Builder for the Windows platform have proven to be indispensable instruments for businesses, but rewriting them for the cloud is often cost-prohibiting. rollApp offers a cloud platform that can run existing desktop applications in the cloud without any need to modify them. At this webinar you will learn how to move your application to the cloud and offer the benefits of a cloud solution to your users in a matter of a few weeks.
SPEAKERS: Vlad Pavlov, rollApp CEO, and Dima Malenko, rollApp CTO
More information:


Turn Existing Delphi/C++Builder Desktop Programs into Cloud Application in Less than a Month
2013-06-19-0900 Integrate Cloud Services Into Your iOS Apps - Bruno Fierens
TMS Software is one of our premier technology partners. TMS has been supporting FireMonkey since its first release. TMS also has supported FMX ofor iOS since its first release. This session will showcase many of the TMS components that work with iOS and across all of Delphi's target platforms. Included in this session will be demonstrations about how to use the TMS Pack for FireMonkey and accessing cloud services from iOS applications using the TMS Cloud Pack for iOS.
Bruno Fierens, TMS Software
This session took place on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 9am PDT.
Additional CodeRage Mobile session information is available at:


2013-06-19-0900 Integrate Cloud Services Into Your iOS Apps - Bruno Fierens
Part 07 - Pawel Glowacki - Deploying to Amazon Cloud
RAD Server Application Deep Dive - Creating a Department Store Retail Solution
Part 07 - Pawel Glowacki - Deploying to Amazon Cloud
June 16, 2016
Embarcadero Presenters:
Michael Swindell - Products
David Intersimone "David I" - Chief Evangelist
Jim McKeeth - Global Developer Evangelist
Marco Cantu - Product Management
Sarina DuPont - Product Management
Al Mannarino - Technical Sales Engineer
Stephen Ball - Technical Sales Engineer
Pawel Glowacki - Technical Sales Engineer
Short URL for this blog post:
In webinar replay you'll learn how to develop and deploy a real world Department Store Retail application using Embarcadero RAD Server. The client app runs on smartphones and the server side executes on IIS production servers on premises and on Amazon. The content covered on this webinar goes deeper technically into the department store solution that was first presented as part of the RAD Server Launch Webinar on Thursday, May 19, 2016.
The app allows customers to look up price and descriptions of products in the store using product barcodes and keying in product SKUs. The app also enhances the customer experience and facilitate marketing programs by lighting up an end-cap product display as the customer nears a target product. The app also sends sale prices to the customer via push notifications when customer is near a relevant sale item.
In the webinar replay you will see how to use RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin and RAD Server to:
• Design and implement the smartphone client application
• Define and build the Back-end REST APIs
• Connect the Back-end to RDBMS & Cloud services
• Use IoT components to control the End-Cap light
• Use Beacons for indoor location tracking in retail zones
• Integrate push notifications
• Deploy the back-end to an on premise production server and to Amazon EC2
• Gather and report API usage and statistics
The individual presentation segment videos are also available on YouTube. Use the playlist for the RAD Server Deep Dive Webinar:

RAD Studio

Part 07 - Pawel Glowacki - Deploying to Amazon Cloud
Flying in the Microsoft Azure Cloud - TCoffeeAndCode
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at
Table of contents:
0:00:00 - Greetings
0:01:08 - Introduction of Speakers
0:07:57 - Code Signing Implications and Requirements
0:11:52 - Stricter Microsoft Certificate Issues
0:24:49 - Almost Everything Requires a Certificate
0:25:20 - Using Azure with RAD Studio
0:36:34 - What is Azure?
0:38:40 - Azure and AWS Comparisons
1:08:31 - Store Keys in the Secrets Repository
1:16:00 - Confusion with FNC Controls
1:31:20 - Why We Love Delphi
1:44:09 - RAD Studio 11 Sneak Peek Announcement
1:44:43 - Upcoming TCoffeeAndCode Sessions


Flying in the Microsoft Azure Cloud - TCoffeeAndCode
Using TMS Cloud Pack to Integrate Your Apps with the Cloud
REST services are everywhere, and using them is the key to accessing the cloud. The TMS Cloud Pack components simplify working with common web services including: PayPal, Flickr, Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twillo and more. Learn the easiest way to integrate the cloud into your mobile and desktop apps.