RAD & Installer - Cool App Contender
RAD & Installer is a RAD Studio extension for creating NSIS and Inno Setup installers. It integrates NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) and Inno Setup with IDE and allows you to create and build setup projects right within RAD Studio getting all benefits of common integrated environment!
It is probably the extension with most broad OpenTools API usage. It enhances IDE in many ways, adds 2 new languages, 2 project types with and many features for developers for fast and user friendly writing like Code Insight, Code Completion, Code Browsing, Help integration, Navigation Bars and much more.
Built with RAD Studio and Delphi using the VCL and Opentools API
We used ProjectProperties and NavigationBars from
Actually we published these components (VCL, we developed them for RAD & Installer) because many people asked for them!


RAD & Installer - Cool App Contender
RAD & Installer - Cool App Winner!
Read the blog post:
More cool apps:
RAD & Installer integrates two of the most popular and most powerful installers right into the IDE: NSIS and Inno Setup. This simplifies the process with a powerful integration while showing the power of the RAD Studio IDE through extensions.

RAD Studio

RAD & Installer - Cool App Winner!
WinSoft's Audio Component Suite - Installation Guide
WinSoft's Audio Component Suite allows you to put audio recorder and player functions directly into your VCL or FireMonkey projects.
Find out details about how to get WinSoft's complete component suite with a special offer at

RAD Studio

WinSoft's Audio Component Suite - Installation Guide
RAD Studio

Configuring RAD Studio for Win32 and Win64 Application Development
RAD Studio

Configuring RAD Studio for iOS and OS X Application Development
RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Feature Installer
The Feature Installer is an installation wizard that lets you select an initial set of RAD Studio features to install, such as support for specific combinations of programming languages and target platforms, language support, or help resources.
During the installation process, the Installer starts the Feature Installer automatically. If you accidentally close the Feature Installer, open RAD Studio and select Tools | Manage Platforms to open it again.
During the installation process, you must have a working internet connection to download content required to install the selected features.
After you install RAD Studio, you can install additional features or remove installed features using the Feature Manager.

RAD Studio

RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Feature Installer
RAD Studio

Configuring RAD Studio for Android Application Development
Setting up Delphi Community Edition for Android Development
This video covers setting up Delphi Community Edition to do Android development.
See also Installing Delphi Community Edition
For the first time ever, we are launching a full-featured Community Edition. It is a path for new developers to experience the amazing capabilities of Embarcadero's developer tools. Provided free of charge to our community of freelance developers, startups, students and non-profits earning less than $5000 USD in revenues, Delphi and C++Builder Community Edition provide a full-featured IDE for building iOS, Android, Windows and macOS apps from a single Delphi or C++ codebase (with a limited, commercial use license).
Learn more about Delphi Community Edition
Do you already earn more than $5000 USD in revenues? Try our free 30-Day Trial of RAD Studio which includes Delphi and C++Builder, RAD Server for RESTful apps, and local and remote database connectivity.
Follow us on Twitter:
About us:


Setting up Delphi Community Edition for Android Development
Getting Started
RAD Server Field Service Application: Admin Application
The RAD Server Field Service Industry Template provides an end-to-end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user administration. It is made up of a REST server module, a desktop client, and a cross-platform mobile client.
This video will cover the following:
Key features of the FireMonkey admin application
User Interface Tips and Tricks
Custom TListView Item Appearance modes
Learn more about the RAD Server Field Service Sample application by visiting

RAD Server

RAD Server Field Service Application: Admin Application
RAD Server Field Service Application: Development Server
The RAD Server Field Service Industry Template provides an end-to-end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user administration. It is made up of a REST server module, a desktop client, and a cross-platform mobile client.
This video will cover the following:
* Overview of the REST resource that both the Admin client and the App client interface with
* Overview of the RAD Server Dev Server
Learn more about the RAD Server Field Service Sample application by visiting

RAD Server

RAD Server Field Service Application: Development Server
RAD Server: Beyond the Basics
Presented by Marco Cantu, RAD Studio Product Manager,
this live webinar replay from July 25, 2018 goes beyond the typical introduction to RAD Server. Topics include the various functionality added over the last year to generate JSON data, the support for hosted files, the ability to use it as a back end of JavaScript applications (including but not limited to ExtJS), covering performance and scalability of the architecture, dynamic "Edge" resource management, and more.
Part of the #WebinarWednesday series

RAD Server

RAD Server: Beyond the Basics
RAD Server Field Service Application: UI Tips and Tricks
The RAD Server Field Service Industry Template provides an end-to-end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user administration. It is made up of a REST server module, a desktop client, and a cross-platform mobile client.
This video will cover the following:
* How to customize the RAD Server template for your own use cases
* Editing and customizing background images
* Image Effects
* Working with the tab control and frames
* Creating a custom color scheme for your application
Learn more about the RAD Server Field Service Sample application by visiting

RAD Server

RAD Server Field Service Application: UI Tips and Tricks
RAD Server: A Case Study - Stephen Ball & Antonio Zapater
RAD Server is a great platform for expanding existing applications from Client Server to REST. Discover how to expand your existing applications from the desktop to mobile with this case study of how Embarcadero have used RAD Server to power registration for live events helds around the world! Yes! This is Delphi/C++ being used to help RAD developers!
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at


RAD Server: A Case Study - Stephen Ball & Antonio Zapater
RAD Server: The Perfect Back-end for your Apps
With RAD Server, you can use your Delphi and C++ code to extend your back-end application services—using a more modern N-Tier architecture with many more capabilities.
It also comes with standard open connectivity frameworks for IoT, a variety of databases, and cloud services.


RAD Server: The Perfect Back-end for your Apps
InterBase for RAD Studio Developers
When you need an embeddable database that provides you with scalability, mobile platforms, and security essentials, the best option is InterBase. Join InterBase enthusiast Mary Kelly as she navigates how to get you started with using InterBase in new and existing applications.
* Learn more about InterBase at
