Enterprise Application Development
Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge - Results
There were a lot of great entries for our Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge showing the use of Delphi, C++Builder, InterBase and RAD Server in many different enterprise use cases. Join us as we review the entries and announcing the winners.
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Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge - Results
Enterprise iOS apps, no app store required
Join Embarcadero MVP Ian Barker as he explains how Apple's iOS Enterprise App program works and how you can create iOS apps using RAD Studio with Delphi or C++ that do not need to go through the Apple App Store and can even be installed on iPhones and iPads from a simple web page.
Download the slides here: https://github.com/checkdigits/EnterpriseiOSApps
Learn more about Embarcadero Technologies products at https://embarcadero.com


Enterprise iOS apps, no app store required
RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin's Enterprise Strong Solutions - Complete Webinar Replay
This technical webinar goes deep into RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin’s new support for the latest enterprise database technologies, REST-based services, cloud services and the Internet of Things. Source code demos will show you how to access the latest enterprise SQL databases and MongoDB NoSQL database. You will see source code demos that will show you how to access the latest major enterprise SQL databases and MongoDB NoSQL database. You’ll learn how to write your own applications that integrate data from multiple IoT devices into your desktop, server and cloud applications. You’ll see how to rapidly create REST based endpoints that can be called from Delphi, C++ and other programming languages.
During this webinar you’ll learn how to develop cutting edge desktop, mobile, server and cloud based applications using:
1) FireDAC’s optimized database access for all the latest major enterprise RDBMS including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MongoDB
2) ThingConnect IoT component support a wide array of devices including health monitoring, home automation, fitness tracking, industrial and security sensors. ThingConnect data can be used to in local and distributed device monitoring solutions.
3) RAD Server (built on EMS core technology) support for cross domain API calls, creation of ThingPoint Edge Services, Swagger open API with YAML and JSON representations for API testing and documentation generation, execution on IIS and Apache web production environment servers.
4) Integrating cloud based development into your enterprise and IoT solutions using the latest Amazon and Azure cloud API support for storage, messaging and services.
5) And More…
Join the Embarcadero Evangelism team for this webinar replay loaded with technical demonstrations. The team also answers attendee questions at the end of the video.
Blog post with additional links and information: http://embt.co/BerlinEnterprise
David Intersimone “David I” - Embarcadero Chief Evangelist
Jim McKeeth - Embarcadero Global Lead Developer Evangelist and Engineer
Al Mannarino - Embarcadero Principal Software Consultant
Stephen Ball - Embarcadero Associate Product Manager (InterBase) and Senior Sales Consultant RAD
Pawel Glowacki - Embarcadero Senior Software Consultant and EMEA Technical Lead for Delphi and RAD Studio
Presentation parts with time duration:
Part 1 - Introduction for the webinar – David I – 43 seconds
Part 2 - FireDAC Database Access – Jim McKeeth – 13 minutes and 56 seconds
Part 3 - ThingConnect & ThingPoint IoT – David I – 14 minutes and 9 seconds
Part 4 - RAD Server Development Lifecycle – Al Mannarino – 17 minutes and 20 seconds
Part 5 - RAD Server Embedded Documentation API – Stephen Ball – 14 minutes and 38 seconds
Part 6 - Cloud Based Development – Pawel Glowacki – 15 minutes and 33 seconds
Part 7 - Closing slides for the webinar – David I – 1 minute and 11 seconds
The Q&A starts after part 7.
