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Delphi & C++Builder Community Edition FAQs

IDE gratuito de Delphi completo para la creación de aplicaciones nativas multiplataforma

The Community Editions (CE) of Delphi and C++Builder are designed to allow individuals and startups to bootstrap their vision with free access to advanced app development tools.

The Community Editions are the freely downloadable editions of the respective Embarcadero IDEs with license restrictions and a revenue limit on use. The current edition, 12.1 Athens, is also available as a Community Edition.

No. Only Delphi CE and C++Builder CE are available. If you're interested in all the features RAD Studio has to offer, including using both Delphi and C++ together in the one IDE and app, you can request a 30 días de prueba gratis de RAD Studio Architect.

The Community Edition is a great way to get started building high-performance applications. CE includes a fully featured IDE, code editor, ultra-fast compiler, integrated debugger, two-way visual designers to speed development, and hundreds of visual components.

If you're an individual you may use CE to create apps for your own use and apps that you can sell. However, CE is subject to a revenue limit and restrictions in the Acuerdo de licencia. You can use it until you're at a revenue point, beyond which it's reasonable to expect you to buy a normal license. Ie, put even more simply, if you make money, buy a commercial license; if not, use the free license.

No. Delphi CE and C++Builder CE cannot co-exist with another product edition of the same version on the same machine.

Yes. Delphi and C++Builder are also available in Professional, Enterprise, and Architect editions. Learn more about the differences between the editions at Ediciones de Delphi and Ediciones de C++Builder.

The Community Edition aims to strike a reasonable balance between making a professional-level tool available for free, and requiring you buy it when reasonable.

Your use of CE is subject to certain restrictions stated in the Acuerdo de licencia. We have summarized the restrictions applicable to CE throughout this FAQs.

For example, CE is both designed to allow individuals and startups to bootstrap their vision until annual revenues reach $5,000 at which point you are required to stop using the Community Edition and purchase a paid license to continue using either the Delphi or C++Builder.

If you're an individual developer you can use CE to create apps for your own use and apps that you can sell until your revenues reach $5,000 per year. For more information please read the Acuerdo de licencia.

Use of CE in this context is subject to the restrictions summarized below and stated in the Acuerdo de licencia. If you're an employee of a small company, governmental entity or non-profit organization with revenue or donations up to US$5,000 per year, you can use CE. Once the company's total revenue or donations reach US$5,000 per year or your team expands to more than 5 developers, you must buy an unrestricted paid commercial license.

Yes, subject to the following restrictions. You must download and use CE software on your own computer and not on company issued hardware. In addition, the revenue of all contract work performed by you in one calendar year may not exceed $5,000.00 (or the equivalent in other currencies) (the "Threshold") whether or not CE is used for all projects. For example, a developer who receives payment of $5,000.00 for a single project (or more than $5,000 for multiple projects) even if such engagements do not anticipate the use of CEn, is not allowed to use CE. Also, a developer building solely an app store application would not be allowed to use CE once the app store revenue reaches a revenue of $5,000 or more in a year.

No. Embarcadero offers several academic programs to accredited educational institutions that want to incorporate teaching with RAD Studio into their curriculum and/or make them available to students to use in their coursework. Qualifying educational institutions are eligible to receive discounted, and in some cases free, academic licenses. Contact our Sales team or your local Embarcadero representative to find out which program is best suited for your institution.

CE is a great choice for individual students to install on their personal machine for learning programming languages.

No. Embarcadero makes available a trial version of RAD Studio Architect editions, which allow users to try out all the highest level features of Delphi and C++Builder. You can see the differences in features by edition on the Product Editions web page and in the feature matrix. The Community Edition CANNOT be used as a trial version.

Yes, you can use CE to contribute to open-source projects as long as the rules on the revenue limit are respected.

Yes, as long as you don't install CE on an employer-issued device and/or within the company premises or network, and the use of CE doesn't benefit the company (i.e. your employer). Use of CE must be for personal purposes. If your use of CE benefits or is connected (directly or indirectly) to your employer, Embarcadero at its sole discretion will assume your use of CE is for the benefit of your employer, which is outside the scope of the Acuerdo de licencia because your employer generates more than US$5,000 in revenue.

Yes. You can use CE to build apps that will be used by a non-profit organization provided your own cumulative annual revenue and/or the overall revenue (including any donations) of the non-profit organization that will be using the app is less than US$5,000 or the local currency equivalent. See Acuerdo de licencia for details.

Yes. When you need to upgrade your edition (if you're no longer eligible for CE or require additional capabilities of higher editions), purchase the edition you need. You'll need to reinstall the commercial edition of Delphi or C++Builder, but you'll be able to save and maintain and use the code of projects created in CE in your new commercial edition.

Yes. You may sell any apps or components developed with CE under the CE license until your annual revenue exceeds US$5,000 or local currency equivalent, at which point you need to buy a commercial-use license. Please see the los términos de la licencia aquí.

Yes, subject the company total revenue doesn't exceed US$5,000 dollars or local currency equivalent. Putting another way. A Professional, Enterprise or Architect edition license is required for developing or deploying any apps or components within any company with total company revenues exceeding US$5,000 or local currency equivalent.

No. Apps and components built with CE may be distributed royalty-free. However, if you are selling your licenses and services built with CE, we require that you purchase a full commercial license when your revenue based on those licenses or services exceeds US$5,000 or local currency equivalent, or if your annual company revenue exceeds US$5,000 or equivalent. See Acuerdo de licencia for details.

Yes. The Community Editions are meant for hobbyists, individual developers, and small teams doing limited commercial development, including pre-revenue startups. Companies or organizations with teams of more than five developers doing development are required to purchase a Professional, Enterprise or Architect edition license for each developer rather than using CE.

La duración de la licencia de la Community Edition es de un año a partir de la primera descarga o la apertura de los productos del Licenciador ("Término de la Community Edition") y expirará automáticamente al completarse el término de la Community Edition; la licencia de la Community Edition no se renueva automáticamente. En caso de que desees continuar utilizando la Community Edition al expirar o terminar el plazo de uso de la Community Edition, deberás reinstalar la última versión de la Community Edition y aceptar con los términos y condiciones del Acuerdo en vigor en ese momento. Por ejemplo, si el Licenciatario instaló la versión 1.0 de la Community Edition y al completar el tiempo de uso de la Community Edition tiene la intención de seguir utilizándola, siempre que el Licenciatario siga cumpliendo con los términos y restricciones adicionales de la Community Edition, el Licenciatario deberá reinstalar la versión vigente de la licencia de la Community Edition. Al expirar el Término de la Community Edition, todo el software del Licenciatario desarrollado con la licencia de la Community Edition puede seguir distribuyéndose de conformidad con los términos y restricciones del Acuerdo de licencia. Todas las restricciones y condiciones relacionadas con la licencia de la Community Edition seguirán vigentes tras la finalización o expiración del Término de la Community Edition. La licencia de la Community Edition caducará automáticamente si el Licenciatario infringe los términos especificados en el Acuerdo de licencia.

No. Solo están disponibles las licencias para un solo usuario. Las licencias de usuario designado y concurrentes están disponibles para las ediciones Professional y superiores.

Users will be able to request a new 1 year key through the website. That key will be applicable to the current CE that's available for download at that time.

No, access to earlier versions is only included with the Professional, Enterprise, and Architect editions, not with CE. The CE license is always valid for the most recent version.

Here are the key reasons for choosing Professional instead of the Community Edition:

  • Licencia permanente (la licencia Community es por periodo de un año)
  • ​Sin restricción de ingresos anuales
  • Update Subscription: correcciones, nuevas versiones, acceso beta y más
  • Soporte técnico
  • Capacidad de mover el compilador de línea de comandos a otro equipo o a un servidor de compilación

Remember per the Acuerdo de licencia, you are required to purchase a Professional or higher edition when your annual revenues reach US$5000 or local currency equivalent, or when your development team grows to 5 or more developers.

CE installation is only supported through the web based GetIt installer, not the offline InstallAware installer. For paid editions, we provide two installation options, a web based installer, and an offline ISO installer.

Yes, database application development is a feature of Delphi CE and C++Builder CE. The Community Edition includes local and embedded database connectivity. Purchase Enterprise or Architect editions to build applications with remote (client/server, multi-tier) access to a wide range of databases including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Anywhere, InterBase, DB2, Informix, MongoDB, MySQL and ODBC data sources.s