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Exclusive Training Offers 詳細情報

"Dev Days of Summer" 2024! リプレイを見る

Delphi 12 and C++Builder 12 Community Editions リリース!詳細はこちら

InterBase 2020 Update 6 リリース! 詳細はこちら

RAD Studio 12.1 Athens リリース!詳細情報



Delphi / C++Builder Community Edition 10.4.2


Supporting our customers with essential skills and expertise

RAD Studio Consulting Partners specialize in the design and development of software applications using Embarcadero products. They are normally teams of professional developers, or software consulting organizations. Consulting Partners typically deliver multi-device applications to their customers using Delphi, C++Builder, or other products from Embarcadero’s highly respected suite of developer tools.

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